Yoga and Massage Therapy

Yoga For Beginners – Home Workout Video

The practice of separate branches of yoga in our lives is known as integral yoga which creates harmony between body, mind, and emotions and stimulates the expression of creativity and the creative potential of people in everyday life.


How to Reduce Inflammation in the Body – Yoga in the Morning – Best Time to Meditate

The best morning workout you can do to wake up your body is a combination of heart raising exercises, strength and mixing up stretching yoga poses throughout the workout.


Yoga Master and the Benefits of Yoga – Yoga for Energy Video

The clear progressive stages of transformation through yoga are documented here. as nowhere else. This new sequence unfolds a practical road-map for knowing and practicing the elevation of the seeker’s awareness…


Center for Massage Therapy

Our distinguished team of massage therapists listens with sensitivity to the needs of our clients and provides caring and comprehensive clinical massage therapy for injury, stress management, relaxation, and sports.

To prevent future injury, we promote body awareness, flexibility, and strength. With the highest esteem, we honor our profession and relationships with our patients/clients and fellow therapists.

Please call us at 303-777-1151 for more details or to set up your massage session.